Keep smiling

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Knowledge quizes

Guru informatics

1. Basic information unit having a value between 0 and 255 is called:

2. What is the value of this expression in Pascal: "23 mod 5 + 12 shr 1 div 5"?

3. Which of the following problems is related to OS development?

4. The program block "x=1; y=x++ + ++x;" in C language:

5. Which of the following words isn't any Assembler instruction?

6. Diameter of usual CD is:

7. Which of these network elements lies on the top, according to the ISO/OSI model?

8. What is the code name of favourite processor Intel Celeron 300A?

9. How does a regular expression for typical programming identifier look like?

10. Hexadecimal CD5 is in binary code: