Keep smiling

A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of international capitals. She proudly said, "Go ahead and quiz me. I know all of them!" Her friend said, "O.K. then, what's the capital of France?" The blonde replied, "Oh, that's so easy! F."

Knowledge quizes

Guru informatics

1. Basic information unit having a value between 0 and 255 is called:

2. What is the value of this expression in Pascal: "23 mod 5 + 12 shr 1 div 5"?

3. Which of the following problems is related to OS development?

4. The program block "x=1; y=x++ + ++x;" in C language:

5. Which of the following words isn't any Assembler instruction?

6. Diameter of usual CD is:

7. Which of these network elements lies on the top, according to the ISO/OSI model?

8. What is the code name of favourite processor Intel Celeron 300A?

9. How does a regular expression for typical programming identifier look like?

10. Hexadecimal CD5 is in binary code: